Tank Monitoring

Find out which tanks need servicing and when with wireless tank monitoring hardware and software.



SMS / Email Alerts

When liquid levels fluctuate get real-time notifications how much they change by. With alerts, easily identify potential problems such as leaky tanks, unauthorized dispensing and early/late deliveries.


Real-time Tank Levels

Check your tanks anytime, anywhere with standard cellular connectivity, liquid level sensors and Omni software standard.

Monthly Payments

For a low monthly fee, get your hardware, wireless data plan, and cloud software, to monitor your existing fuel tanks.

Reporting Software

With Omni’s cloud based software, we record fluctuations in your tank levels, from how much was dispensed, to what tank, and at what time. Use built-in reporting to create reports easily and rapidly. 

Group Level Management

Assign personnel by the individual or by a group to specific customer accounts or tanks. With group user management, you can make changes to notifications, permissions and reporting settings fast.

Dispatch Personnel

Set optimum levels for refills that when reached, automatically contact your provider and schedule deliveries.

Cloud Based Software

We use the power of the cloud to sort your data fast and to make it available to you anywhere on every device your company owns.

Easy Installation

Each Omni tank monitoring device, comes with an antenna, liquid level sensors and is fully provisioned on the Verizon Wireless network standard.

Perfect For:


Concrete & Gravel




Commercial Development


Road Construction


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